Wednesday, December 10, 2008

More Appointments!

Yesterday we went to a provincial office where Maggie's passport was issued. We saw an older girl from her orphanage, and Maggie seemed a little sad after we left. She perked right up after we got back to the hotel, though.

This girl can eat! We ordered her a huge adult entree of beef and rice noodles for lunch yesterday and almost couldn't drag her away from the table when she had eaten half of it. Today we were smarter and had the second half boxed to take back to the room for supper.

We've also shopped a bit. Nona Popo ("popo" means maternal grandmother) bough her a panda backpack that she was dying for. I bough her a pink Chinese dress.

Today we go to the doctor for a short physical. I'm tired and miss everyone. And let me tell you, the little bit of American-style food that we've sampled has been very amusing. You should try the Chinese version of pizza!

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